Dear Patient/Patient’s Caregiver,

We are committed to protecting your safety, and the safety of the community, during this trying time. With that in mind, and in accordance with requirements with the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), we ask you take note of the following requests so we may continue offering you the highest quality of care.

  • Please come alone to your appointment. Unfortunately, we are only able to permit the patient to come into the office. If the patient is a minor, or you require physical assistance, you may have one additional person accompany you.
  • We will take your temperature with a no-contact thermometer before entering the building.
  • A mask is required to enter the building.
  • The mask must remain on, covering BOTH your mouth and nose, for the duration of the visit. Only if the doctor or a member of our staff asks you to temporarily remove the mask may you do so.
  • You must inform the office if you have experienced a running nose, sneezing, coughing, a temperature over 100.4 F, or any other flu-like symptoms in the past 2 weeks, AND/OR if you have had contact with anyone with Covid19 in the past 4 weeks or if you have had Covid19 in the past 4 weeks.

Also, we would like to bring the following points to your attention:

  • The rooms are thoroughly cleaned between each patient. Please be patient with us if it takes a few minutes for you to be called back; we need to ensure the areas are safe and ready for your visit.
  • Each employee is screened before being permitted to begin their work.
  • We have a professional cleaning staff that covers the entire office each night.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance, the check in/check out areas, and in the exam rooms for your use.

Thank you for your consideration and understanding. And please remember, your safety, health, and overall quality of health are our utmost priority.

Thank you for choosing River Region Dermatology and Laser!