Most people have at least a few vascular lesions on their bodies. While these features may be subtle and hidden for some people, they can be an enormous source of embarrassment and frustration for others. The excel V™ laser is an effective way to combat a broad range of vascular lesions and leave patients looking and feeling their very best.

River Region Dermatology & Laser is proud to bring this exciting treatment to patients in the Montgomery area. If you’d like more information about our practice or are interested in scheduling a consultation appointment, contact us today!

What is the excel V™?

The excel V™ is a state-of-the-art laser treatment that combines two cutting-edge laser wavelengths into one device. This procedure can be used to address a broad range of vascular conditions, including rosacea, facial veins, and brown spots on patients of all skin types. Best of all, treatments with the excel V™ laser bring patients minimal downtime, few side effects, and dramatic results.

How Does it Work?

During an excel V™ treatment, laser energy is delivered to targeted treatment areas in a series micropulses. The size and depth of the treatment area can be carefully customized to best meet each patient’s aesthetic goals.

Once directed to the treatment area, this laser energy passes through the uppermost layer of the skin and is absorbed by the blood as heat. This heat causes the blood within vascular lesions to coagulate, eventually destroying the blood vessels that were responsible for their initial development.

What Can it be Used to Treat?

The excel V™ laser can be used to treat an incredibly wide range of skin conditions, including:

  • Acne scars
  • Age/brown spots
  • Angiomas
  • DPNs
  • Facial veins
  • Freckles
  • Leg veins
  • Port wine stains
  • Poikiloderma
  • Rosacea
  • Skin tags
  • Scar reduction
  • Telangiectasia
  • Venous lakes
  • Warts
  • Wrinkles

What can I Expect from an excel V™ Treatment?

Each excel V™ treatment typically takes between 10 and 15 minutes to complete. While side effects like slight swelling and redness are common, these usually subside within a few days of receiving treatment. Following this procedure, it typically takes patients between two and six weeks to see any improvements.

Before undergoing an excel V™ treatment, patients must first schedule a consultation appointment with our practice’s lead dermatologist, Dr. Porcia Love. During this appointment, Dr. Love will examine your unique skin concerns in order to determine if an excel V™ treatment is right for you.

Interested in learning more about the excel V™ laser? Contact River Region Dermatology & Laser today! We’d be happy to answer any of your questions or get you set up with a consultation appointment.