If you’re looking for an easy, effective way to tighten your skin and improve your look, you’re in luck. At River Region Dermatology and Laser in Montgomery, Alabama, we can address your sagging skin with Exilis. This state-of-the-art treatment will tighten your skin and give you a fresh, new look.

How Can You Tighten Loose Skin? Nine Reasons to Use Exilis

1. It’s Non-Invasive

People love this innovative treatment because it tightens their skin in an easy, stress-free manner. Many skin-tightening methods require you to receive incisions and go through uncomfortable treatment sessions to improve your look. You also may have to endure a lengthy recovery period. In contrast, the Exilis Ultra system uses ultrasound and radiofrequency energy to tighten your skin in a non-invasive manner. We will not cut into your skin during this process.

2. It’s Great at Tightening Skin

Many people struggle with loose, sagging skin, especially as they become older. This issue can be caused by a variety of factors.

Causes of Loose Skin

Older people are more likely to have loose skin. Older people have lower levels of collagen and elastin. Collagen is a protein that helps your skin stay strong and firm. Elastin helps your skin recover after it is stretched. When your collagen and elastin decline, your skin may weaken and sag. In addition, lifestyle choices like smoking, receiving excessive sun exposure, and drinking alcohol may cause your skin to sag. Losing a large amount of weight can also cause your skin to loosen.

A Frustrating Issue

Sagging skin can keep you from feeling confident about your appearance. Addressing this issue on your own is very difficult. Many people are unable to improve the appearance of sagging skin by changing their lifestyle or using skincare products. Adopting a new exercise regime may also be ineffective at tightening your skin.

Tightening Your Skin

Exilis is a fantastic way to firm your skin and achieve a more attractive look. You’ll feel happier and more at ease with your appearance when you see the full effect of your treatments.

3. It Increases Your Collagen Levels

This treatment is an ideal way to increase your collagen levels. During your treatment, we will administer ultrasound and radiofrequency energy to your treatment area. The deeper layers of your skin can easily absorb these types of energy. This process will stimulate your body to make more collagen. Your skin will gradually refresh and renew itself after your treatment. Once you achieve the full benefits of this technology, your skin will become tighter and more youthful-looking.

4. It’s Quick and Easy

This is a very fast and simple treatment. Your appointment will be easy to fit into your schedule. Most people’s appointments take between twenty and forty minutes, and most people feel relaxed during their treatments. In fact, some people say that the treatment process feels like a hot stone massage. Since this process is so comfortable, you won’t need to receive anesthesia during your appointment.

5. It Has Minimal Downtime

People love how quickly they recover after their appointments. Most people have minimal to no downtime after their treatments. You can immediately return to your job and other responsibilities.


You don’t need to follow a special diet or exercise program after you complete your treatments. That said, many people feel more motivated to take better care of themselves once they see how firm and attractive their skin looks. 

6. It Provides Noticeable Results

Many people notice positive changes in their skin after one treatment session. People’s skin usually continues to improve for three months. Your individual results will vary depending on the condition of your skin, the area that you are targeting with this treatment, and other factors.

7. It’s Efficient

Some cosmetic treatments require people to receive constant maintenance appointments. In contrast, Exilis can dramatically improve your skin after only a few sessions. We usually advise people to get three skin-tightening sessions. That said, everyone’s treatment will be unique. During your initial consultation, we can develop a customized treatment plan for you.

8. It’s Very Safe

You don’t need to feel nervous when you use this treatment to improve your skin. This is a proven technology that many people have successfully used to enhance their appearance.

A Controlled Method

This skin-tightening method is specially designed to tighten your skin safely and comfortably. It uses a sophisticated Energy Flow Control system. This system delivers energy to your skin in a precise manner. Further, this method uses an integrated cooling process. This process allows us to keep you comfortable during your appointment.

9. It’s Suitable for Lots of People

This is a gentle, easy treatment that is suitable for a wide variety of people. In general, this treatment is an ideal option for adults from ages twenty-one to seventy and older.

Making a Decision

You’ll begin your treatment with an initial consultation. During this meeting, we will discuss your medical history and examine your skin. We will talk about any health conditions that you have. We’ll use this information to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for this skin-tightening treatment.

Try It for Yourself

You don’t have to accept your loose skin. We can tighten your skin and improve your look with Exilis. To learn more about this fantastic treatment, contact us at River Region Dermatology and Laser in Montgomery, Alabama for an initial consultation today.

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